Momentum Vitae est meditatio

BENVENUTI, il mio progetto sul web nasce con l'intento di conservare e condividere

gli insegnamenti di Anapanasati e Vipassana al fine di affrancarsi dalla sofferenza esistenziale

con la guida di un insegnante autorizzato. Questo secondo la dottrina del Buddismo Theravada,

nella tradizione birmana di Sayagyi U Ba Khin, in memoria del suo allievo John Earl Coleman.

Tali insegnamenti sono preservati e perpetuati per il beneficio delle future generazioni,

per questo sono conservati con l’indicazione protettiva della perfezione, verità e devozione.

Tutte le nostre azioni sono dirette nello spirito del Damma.

WELCOME, my web project was born with the intention of preserving and sharing

the teachings of Anapanasati and Vipassana, in order to be free from existential suffering

with the guidance of a licensed teacher. This according to the doctrine of Theravada Buddhism,

in the Burmese tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin, in memory of his student John Earl Coleman.

Such teachings are preserved and perpetuated for the benefit of future generations,

for this reason they are preserved with the protective indication of perfection, truth and devotion.

All our actions are directed in the spirit of the Dhamma.

La Meditazione Vipassana

"It is precisely in this body, just two arms long, with its perceptions and its mind, that I introduce you to the world,

the arising of the world, the extinction of the world and the path leading to the extinction of the world.” Samyutta Nikaya

La Meditazione Vipassana é un'antica tecnica trasmessa agli uomini da Buddha Gautama (il Buddha storico) 2500 anni fa e mantenuta intatta nella sua originale purezza fino ad oggi. Consiste in un processo di progressiva purificazione della mente che ci rende capaci di confrontarci con i nostri problemi senza conflitto, coinvolgendoci pienamente nelle responsabilità della vita e della sua natura costantemente mutevole.

Gli studenti che cominciano un corso di meditazione imparano nei primi tre giorni a mantenere la mente stabile e concentrata tramite l'osservazione del respiro (Anapanasati). Nei rimanenti sette giorni viene insegnato loro come penetrare l'intera struttura psichica e fisica dell'essere, così che tramite l'esperienza personale essi cominciano a sviluppare una compassione sempre più profonda di loro stessi e degli altri (Vipassana). Scopo di questo sito é accompagnare e informare tutti coloro che vogliono praticare/provare la meditazione Vipassana,
in un ambiente strutturato specificatamente a tale scopo, in grado quindi di favorire la sempre più profonda comprensione della tecnica.

La pratica di Vipassana, il cuore della meditazione, il mezzo attraverso cui si raggiunge la Visione Profonda, è qualcosa da sperimentare più che descrivere. Nessun discorso intellettuale o studio accademico può sostituirla. Il raggiungimento di una mente chiara come il cristallo attraverso Samadhi è un prerequisito necessario per vipassana-bhavana, per la comprensione delle Quattro Nobili Verità del Buddismo e per la comprensione della natura di Annica Dukkha e Anatta prima che uno possa liberare se stesso dal desiderio ed essere liberato dalla sofferenza.

da "La Mente Tranquilla" di J.E.Coleman - edizione italiana

VIPASSANA: vedere in modo speciale

It literally means “Seeing in a special way”; introspection, profound vision that purifies the mind. Specifically a deep insight into the impermanent, suffering and egoless nature of the physical and mental structure. Vipassana – bhavana: the systematic development of profound vision through the meditative technique of observing the reality of oneself by observing sensations through the body.

Vipassana is a simple technique that allows us to face, to enter into the ever-changing nature of life.

It allows us to do so with detachment and without reaction. We learn to accept all sensations, gross or subtle, pleasant or unpleasant, without judging, without condemning, without praising, without conflict, realizing that all of them will go away.

VIPASSANA is not a means to escape or isolate yourself from problems by entering any state of ecstasy and then stopping there. While states of blessing may well present themselves, they should be regarded only as fleeting or sleep that exists for recovery and not for escape.


Let us not misuse technique as a means to build a protective wall or barrier of isolation that imprisons us.


Let's not misuse technique as a means of escape or abandonment. The technique, used properly, allows:

TO INVOLVE - without attachment

TO DEAL - without conflict

With proper balance, we become silently aware of a free flow of energy that we have come to know as Anicca.


John Coleman - Letters to IMC Italia students

La pratica del sedente

Laziness and tiredness come while we are lying down and they come to stay, don't they? If we indulge in laziness and tiredness, will we be able to develop in morality, concentration and wisdom?

Only those among the Buddha's disciples with the strongest determination practiced the 'sitting practice', that is, they did not lie down for a complete 24-hour period in one day. If one begins the practice of sitting and develops a strong determination not to fall asleep, laziness cannot overwhelm him.

When you feel drowsy, make an effort to reach the place where there is no drowsiness and then you will no longer need sleep. Stand up and walk up and down. Keep your attention on the point where the air touches when you inhale and exhale. If you keep it fixed at this point with full effort, at the same time you will find the place of no-breath. There is no “I won't find it”… there is only “I'm not there yet”. You will find it.

Laziness will come and your concentration will become fragile. This is why you are at the beginning; later it will increase.
And then you should look at this laziness as a friend, not an enemy, and you will start making use of it. Although it will come you will not become lazy anymore. When we feel drowsy, we say “This is good. Now I want to find the place quicklywhere one does not feel drowsy. Then there will be an end to drowsiness." Work, fixing your attention firmly on the point, and when your legs hurt, know: “The only way out of this is to get to a place where there is no suffering.” If the pain becomes very intense then is it too difficult? It is not difficult. Don't worry about all this. Simply keep your attention on the point. Get back to the point. Don't let him leave. If it goes away, you will never get to the place where there is no laziness or pain.

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